As a developer, you will sometimes face weird problems, it is important to come up with reliable and repeatable ways to solve this problems, so when such problems come up again, you would be able to find a solution easier. As for myself, one of the tools that I found most useful on Unix-like system is jq, which is a tool to process json files. Let me demonstrate how I use this tool to solve some problems I encountered during work.

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What would be the easiest way to remove all but one word from the end of each line in Vim?

Today, I found a challenge on vimgolf and thought it might be interesting to share my solutions.

Here is the original file

abcd 1 erfg 7721231
acd 2 erfgasd 324321
acd 3 erfgsdasd 23432
abcd 5 erfgdsad 123556

Here is the desired result:


The challenge is quite straightforward, delete all but the last characters in the file. I found several ways to tackle this challenge, so let me show you all:

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This week, I was tasked with creating basic infrastructure for one of our newwebsites. We use Fastly for our CDN and New Relic as a log aggregation tool, most of our infrastructure is setup using Terraform, which is a popular infrastructure as code (IaC) platform. Terraform supports Fastly through a custom plugin, which also has the capability of New Relic. We need to customize the format of New Relic so that we can find the logs easily in New Relic. As expected, the plugin actually provide a pretty straight forward to accomplish this -- what you need to do is to come up with a proper json string that align with the format that Fastly provided in their document. This seemingly straightforward task ended up took me some time to debug.

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Recently, I have been eager to get the data saver on Android to work automatically for me. My goal is to have Tasker automatically enable the built-in data saver when my data is low. Before I came up with this idea, I have search the web to see if there is any solutions exist already so I don't have to reinventing the wheel. Unfortunately, I couldn't find anything on this topic so I have to create my own solution. Upon 1 week of testing, things to work as I expected so I decided to share in this article how I did it.


  • An rooted Android phone -- Unfortunately, the solution I came up with only works on rooted Android phone, I'm running Android 9.0.
  • A way to get to know you current data usage -- Some carriers allow you to get you data usage through SMS, some might only allow you to use USSD to get data usage. I am only covering the case of using SMS here (my case).
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Recently, I decided to convert my QEMU based virtual machine installed on my Manjaro Linux to the VirtualBox format. The reason behind this is that I would like to be able to use the same VM across different host system (specifically Manjaro Linux and Windows 7). It is not a easy thing to do, so I decided to document it for future references.


  • An existing image created using QEMU (My VM file end with .img, for example)
  • VirtualBox
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Why Tasker?

This is probably an article that is long overdue to me personally. I have been an Android user since 2011, started with my Nexus S that I bought for use in college. It seems to me, the app Tasker had been very famous in the Andorid community, especially among users who know how to program.
For those who have never heard of this app, this is a powerful app that allows you to automate almost anything that you can think of on the Android system.For me,It was not until August of last year when I bought the tasker app that I started to realize how powerful this app is. I am really not a big fan of its old school UI and design so I didn't start using it until this year. After uisng it for a while, I did come to realize that there is no other apps close to it, if I were to move to iOS, this is probably among one the apps that I will miss. In this article I will explain how I used takser to automate things for myself, it is some boring stuff, but it did become something that I'm using everyday.

What can you use it for?

I will list one of the most used Tasks/Profiles that I created and used in this app:

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What is Google App Scripts?

Before explaining what I did with Google App Scripts, let me explain what is Google App Scripts. It is basically a scripting engine that let you access all kinds of Google App features (including Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Docs, etc.). There are other ways to access these features but Google App Script might be the easist way out there. It comes with an online editor (you can work offline as well), and Google can trigger your scripts at certain time based on your need. Oh, forgot to mention, Google App Script uses JavaScript which is one of the most popular languages right now (Sadly, it doesn't support ES6 syntax as of writing).

Why use Google App Scripts?

I have a habit of archiving my Emails every week on Mondays. It is easy enough to do in the gmail Web interface but I do need to remember to do it. That make me think if I can find a good way to automate this. I would always think of using some kind of API first, but it seems to me that it wouldn't worth it to spend time to make a app just for the purpose of archiving emails. Then I came across Google App Scripts, which turned out to be exactly what I need to automate this.

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Fun with GPG

This week, I was having making some great progress in understanding how GPG works either locally or through email. The original intention to do all this was because I would like my router to send me notification whenever the tranmission finish download the torrent. This may be simple as it sounds and it had been working correctly for me for several months since I create the initial script.

This week, however, I decided to do something special. I would like the router to sign/encrypt the message it sends to me. I am not sure why I need that, but anyways, I did get to learn a lot through the process.

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From this week onward, I will be keeping notes for some of the issues I encountered during work or developing some of my personal works.

Here are notes from my development last week:

  • This might be a quite simple one, but I found it might be useful for future reference. In the development of TIA, previous developer used to disable the checkbox in a form. The result of this is the value of the disabled checkboxes were not submitted with the form. The previous developer opt to set the checkboxes separately which I don't believe is an ideal solution. I thereby found another solution as follows:

    <input type="checkbox" class="readonly" checked="checked" onclick="javascript:return false" />

    However, this is not enough in my case, I also need to have it gray out to make it looks like disabled. It turned out that this can be solved via simple CSS:

    input.readonly {
    opacity : .50;
    filter : alpha(opacity=50); /* IE<9 */
    cursor : default;

    Just make sure to give the checkbox proper class name.

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今天心血来潮,把之前部署在Github Pages上的Jekyll删掉了,完全换成了Hexo,并进行重做。主要还是想到自己在工作和平常生活中遇到的不少技术坑还是可以值得写下来记录一下。我的目标是每周一篇技术博客吧。
这周想要写的就是Flexget。身为一个海外党,在国外追新番还是比较不方便的:B站倒是能上,但在那上面看新番的时候缓存慢成狗也是蛮无语的。在跟龟速缓冲战斗了半年多之后,我决定转做一个下载党。我最初的想法是用Java自己造个轮子,后来发现自己水平太烂实在太难,就转向了找现成的方案。Google 出来不少自动追番的相关内容。大部分都提到了Flexget这个东西。在看了几篇介绍之后。我就决定使用Flexget来实现自动追番。由于Google上关于Flexget的文章大都是13年的,而Flexget这软件已经更新了很多次了,有些配置文件已经不在适用,为了方便后人折腾,我就决定将我折腾的过程记录下来。

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